
Dante Barabas, Character Profile..

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* Part I: General [0/45]
[0/5] Name: Dante Barabas

[0/5] Nickname: His name is pretty short as-is, but surely, maybe, somewhere, someone will try and give him a nickname just to mess with him... For now though, he does not have one to display here.

[0/0] Birthdate: 16 Neirus 981 blessed

[0/5] Age: 17

[0/5] Gender: Male

[0/5] Race: Nightling

[0/10] Occupation: In training to become a.... Well honestly he doesn't know yet! He's had a lot of problems with his magical abilities, and is pretty averagely decent at a lot of things. His family is trying to convince him to run with the family business, but naturally he doesn't want to be stuck into doing something like that all his life. So if you ask him, he'll tell you something cliche like: "Well, I 'unno about you, but I'd rather be a leaf 'n the wind than a stick 'n the mud."

[0/10] Origin:  Raised by a stubborn father and a kindly mother, Dante was born and raised in the Dark Forest in the city of Amandine. The Barabas family has followed their family traditions for centuries, and plan to continue doing so to this day. Little did they know, they were to be 'blessed' with probably the worst member of the entire family, Dante.
Every fiber in his being wants to break away from his parents. With their strict rules, and forceful attitudes, he's prepared to shove it right back at them when they try to make him do things he doesn't believe in. Not going to take any of that crap, he seeks a society of freedom and justice. Knowing that most of Mythica is already like that, if he could just do something to get out and away from his parents...
The family itself has strong magical abilities that have been known to be difficult to master, their talents are what has set them apart from the rest of the Nightlings and granted them with the wealth they have accumulated over time. Dante doesn't mind 'having' money, though he's always felt like he owed everyone something. Which is probably a result from whenever his father bought something for him –  Like a birthday gift or a new set of trousers – somehow, Dante would have to end up earning money and paying him back for the 'gift'.
This frustrated the boy to no end, he could never just 'acquire' something for free, and every time he turned around he needed to go back and work his butt off to pay for something he didn't ask for. That's when he got into the habit of stealing things from other people, because as long as he never got caught, he finally had something, for free!

* Part II: Visuals [0/60]
[0/5] Eye Color:  Crimson

[0/5] Hair Color:  Very dark brown, often mistaken for black.

[0/15] Features:  Ashen in color, his skin sort of resembles a deathlike appearance due to his underexposure to sunlight. There are two short parallel scratch-like scars across his left cheek, just under his eye. His facial features are sharp, pointed nose and chin to accompany the sharp ends of his ears and teeth, his eyebrows are thin and his eyes turn up at the corners giving him a rather sinister appearance. His skin is also darker in color under his eyes, as result from lack of sleep.
His hair is medium in length, and parted in the middle of his forehead. Which leads to two sections of hair that drape over his eyebrows and rest above his eyelids. The rest of his hair is rather shaggy and he doesn't do much to keep it tame, so he wears a hat so he need not brush it everyday like he should.

[0/5] Defining Marks:  As stated previously, he has two parallel scratches across his left cheek just under his eye. However every time anyone asks him how he got the marks, he simply states they were an accident and refuses to go into detail, sometimes making up some fantastical tale that couldn't possibly be true to how he actually received said scars. He also has a larger slash mark shaped scar across the side of his stomach.

[0/15] Dress:  He, more often than not, wears a brown button-up vest (that usually isn't buttoned up) with brass buttons, on top of a light gray long sleeve shirt. The shirt a little too big for him, but he fixes that by rolling up the cuffs and tucking in the bottom. He's got a brown belt to match his vest, and to cover up the tucked-in-shirt, a chain that is attached to the belt hangs over his side and re-attaches behind him giving a random loop that has nearly no purpose other than; 'to make him look cool' as he puts it. He also wears long straight darker gray pants, rolled up a bit at the ends, brown old worn out shoes, and black socks (but you cant see them because his pants cover the socks). His hat is the same color as his pants and resembles a paperboy cap, with a very small rim. He's pretty much always seen wearing the hat though, whether it matches his current attire or not.

[0/5] Height: 5'8"

[0/5] Build: He's pretty thin and lanky for his age, he's got muscle but its hard to find. Due to his anemia and insomnia problems, he doesn't get much proper rest so that causes him to look sickly and lithe.

[0/5] Other: He does own a few trinkets here and there, like a Music Crystal his parents bought him to try and improve his magical skills, a stopwatch, some dice, (possibly loaded?) maybe a toothpick or three. You know, just random things you'd keep in your pockets for practical use.

* Part III: Personality [0/100]
[0/10] Attitude:  Dante is a difficult individual to explain. He thinks of himself, and everyone around him, as being individuals in a huge game of chess, but won't ever tell anyone he thinks that way. Despite feeling like his life is being controlled secretly by all the people around him, he's extremely lighthearted and kind. Often joking around and poking fun at little things. Though if the situation arises, he would put himself first before anyone. Because, hey, every man for himself!
He's completely obsessed with the technological advancement of society, and even though the thought kind of scares him as to where things could be headed in the future, he can't help but find himself so memorized by the idea of the contraptions the Wind-Kings have create, he just has to check it out!
Unfortunately for him, his eyes are extremely sensitive to light, so much so that the break of dawn will cause him to have headaches and he'd need to find shelter immediately lest he suffer terrible consequences. He's very sneaky, rather intelligent and crafty, and if you asked anyone what they thought of him, he's been regarded as a troublemaker by most of the Nightling community.
However he's extremely loyal to the people he decides to make friends with, and would probably drag them on countless pointless adventures just for the heck of it. He's bold, and will stand up for himself if need be, doesn't care about making enemies, or hurting other's feelings, but he's generally a nice guy as long as you don't do or say anything particularly nasty to him first.

[0/10] Habits:  He has a slight habit of touching the cars on his cheek when he's thinking. Be it lost in thought, or trying his best to figure out a puzzle, his hand seems to drift there on its own and pick at the tiny scabs. That's probably why he even has scars there in the first place, the scratches almost seem too small to have become anything if he hadn't messed with them subconsciously.

[0/10] Most Notable Memories:  Some of his earliest memories would include the first time he was blinded by the sunlight, sneaking out at dawn when he was supposed to be in bed at the age of 6, he couldn't see anything for three days afterward. He likes to think of it as a monumental accomplishment in his life, and refers to it as 'The time I went blind'.
He also fondly regards the first time he met his pet Chaos Ferret, Spade.
Also included on his list of good memories was a time when his Big sister stood up for him against their parents when Dante said he didn't want to join the family business.
He is also, quite often, bombarded with memories of family feuds. Though he doesn't linger on those much, bad juju.
As far as remembering things on a daily basis, if it isn't something he wants to do, he can casually just 'forget' about it. He probably actually remembers he should, or has to do something, but he uses the excuse that he 'forgot' more often than not.
Also in the list of memories, the first time he found out about the technology and things science could do! Ever since that moment, he's been obsessed with finding out more ...Even though his parents despise the idea of their son going out and trying to work with those retched machines.

[0/20] Relationships:  Dante's relationships with his mother and father are complicated...
His father is one of those strict, hard-working individuals that thinks the only way to life is to earn a living, and do it well. Dante often butts heads with his dad, and this causes them to get into lots of fights and ends up putting him in lots of trouble. Dante strives for a laid back sort of life where he is free to do what he wants, when he wants, and he's always struggled against the authority of his parents.
His mother however, is the sweetheart of the family. Cautiously reminding Dante that if he did this, or if he did that, his father would be proud of him, and that maybe they would all get along a little better. Dante likes his mom, but he feels like she's too much of a rug to be stepped on by his father, and wishes she would just leave him already. In his eyes, a lady like that doesn't deserve to be around a man like his father. Unfortunately for him, she is still deeply in love with the man, so leaving him would never be an option. Dante supposes that's probably a good thing, though he can't see why she would ever want to stay with the guy.
Dante's big sister on the other hand, is a completely different story! Its only them, in the household, mother, father, big sister, little brother; and that's all there ever will be.
Dante's always had a good relationship with his sister, and they have similar personalities, though she's much more secretive and obedient than her brother, they've grown up together and have plenty of stories to tell about things they've done. Best friends 'till the end, and that's how it should be!
Lastly, Dante has a pet Chaos Ferret. He loves that guy like its his job, and he'd do anything to protect him from everything, and he's sure Spade would do the same for him. They both met at a very young age and bonded instantly. Dante's sister is jealous of the fact he has a companion so close to him in that way, and she cant help but be happy for her brother and his little partner-in-crime.
The whole family has accepted the ferret as an official member of the household, even though his parents don't like it at all, and the thought of a filthy animal in the house took a lot of getting used to... It's not like they'd kick the ferret out on the streets, but probably only because they know that Dante would be right there with him the moment they tried to.

[0/15] Likes and Dislikes:
He enjoys anything that has to do with solving puzzles, strategy, or particularly sticky situations.
Though for the average person, being in some sort of danger would frighten them to the core, he just finds the whole experience thrilling and lives off of the sense of adventure waiting around the corner. He loves to outsmart the not-so-intelligent ones around him, and most of all the sense of being free and allowing himself to do whatever he wants whenever he wants it, is the ultimate paradise for him.
The only thing he dislikes is when people try to trap and confine him, force him to be something he's not, or try to limit his exposure to something that he likes. Which is what his parents do, more often than not, so he's pretty much in the hate debate with them all of the time. He believes in karma, and loves the idea of technology even though he cant even look at a screen because of his sensitive eyes.

[0/15] Perception:  As stated before, he's much of a troublemaker. Being crafty and sneaky, a tad rebellious and sometimes acting like a know-it-all I wouldn't say that the other people around where he lives like him all that much. Not that he isn't a nice guy or anything, because he is, but because he so desperately wants to break all the traditions that are so heavily revered by the Nightling race.
Being fascinated by the Technological advancement, and rebelling against his parent's wishes to contribute to their family business, not to mention his younger teen years were full of stealing things from the neighbors... As long as you're not hardheaded and set into the old ways, I'm sure he'd be your friend.

[0/10] Strong Points:  Dante is good at speaking his mind, he knows when to speak and how to say it, I wouldn't exactly call it manipulative, though he has a sharp tongue and you'd better watch your back if you ever piss this guy off.
He's practiced a lot in the art of stealth and he'll read and study things that interest him when he's bored and stuck for ideas (or grounded). His most prided ability would be his wits, and he'd take any chance he could get to try and outsmart or con you. 'Course if its all for fun and games, if he does manage to steal something from you I'm sure he'd give it back.

[0/10] Weak Points: Though he would never admit it, he's actually sort of afraid of his father, the idea of the man hiding in the shadows watching his every move and judging his actions with a fine toothed comb completely terrifies him.
He hates to be put into a box and fears that one day he'll have to conform to society and give up all his hopes and dreams to become what everyone wants him to be, and not what he actually is. Also, the thought of anything bad happening to those he's close to, the most notable ones being Spade or his sister, if he were to loose them he would probably loose all his self confidence and have to do the conforming to society thing as stated above.
He also is extremely sensitive to light and anything moderately bright, including his own magical powers. That might be why he rarely uses them (but he's also not very good at it).
He's anemic, and has a touch of insomnia as well. Anemia being a result of not having enough iron in his blood, which causes him to pass out easily if he overworks himself and makes his energy run out fast. (though knowing him, he'd probably push himself too hard even when he knows he should stop.) Insomnia is the act of not being able to sleep when you're supposed to. He has yet to figure out if its being caused because his mind just refuses to shut down at night, or if its because the light hurts his eyes so much its nearly impossible to sleep with a pounding headache along with the the room filled to the brim with light.

* Part IV: Ability [0/100]
[0/10] Talents: Never actually being that talented in any particular field, people call him a jack of all trades. because he's pretty much decent at anything he picks up. He's a fast learner though, if he's interested in the subject matter at least, but he has to work pretty hard to get 'good' at something. Be it something he's required to do, or something he wants to. The only thing he's ever considered himself 'talented' at is seeing in the dark, and telling stories or jokes.

[0/20] Skills: He's good at stealthy maneuvers, don't be surprised if the wallet in your back pocket goes missing because he's got the thief's hand!
Good at pickpocketing, picking locks, sneaking into areas he's not supposed to be, watch your back because this kid is always in the shadows somewhere! He also likes to think he's good at hunting, or at the very least, understanding how creatures act given their situations.
Ever since his connection with Spade, Dante has learned to read animals expressions and body language to figure out exactly what they're thinking.
He's also trained himself to become good at practical arguing, otherwise known as debates. He'll tell you what's on his mind, and when he's done with you you'll have been convinced of his way of thinking and then apologizing him for bringing it up in the first place.

[0/15] Racial: He's completely terrible with his magical powers. His family invested in a Music Crystal to help him hone his magical abilities and powers better, but he ended up just hiding it in his pocket or wearing it around his neck under his shirt, and using it for other things rather than magical practices. If he was to use his powers though, they would have something to do with life forces and spiritual things around him. Allowing himself to branch out his senses to hear or feel the heartbeats and thoughts of other living things, and concentrate these vibrations and auras into a powerful lightning-like burst of energy. It's very hard to control though, and the amount of light it creates hurts his eyes greatly, so he seldom uses it.

[0/15] Physical Fitness:  Dante is about average, maybe a tad bit on the underside of physical fitness, he can do enough to get by, but not enough to say he's a big strong man. He'll force himself to work harder in areas he wishes to become better at, thinking that if he got more exorcize maybe that will fix his anemic problem, when in fact the actual answer is to rest and stay put for a while. Hating the idea of having himself locked in a room all night (though he does get grounded quite frequently), he makes sure to practice in each area needed for his own sanity's sake.

[0/15] Mental Fitness: He knows where he goes like the back of his hand, but anywhere he hasn't actually traveled is a mystery to him. When he's up late in the morning he'll grab a random book off the shelf just for entertainment. He knows a lot, but not enough to call him a genius in a certain area. His skills are more where he's practiced, spent his time on, what he's interested in at the moment, which, could be an array of things...

[0/20] Recreation: Definitely the adventurous type, he tends to go out and venture off to do his own thing. Being a tiny bit of a loner, but making sure to bring his Chaos ferret along with him wherever he goes. He does whatever he feels like doing at the time, be it sneaking off to try and find something to do, or taking a nap under a tree if he's tired enough to manage some sleep. He also enjoys solving puzzles and mind games. I need not explain more because you already know what he does by reading the entire profile thus far.

[0/5] Combat: He's quick on his feet, not one for combat. He'd probably try and talk the guy into submission, or run away as fast as he could. If he needed to carry around a weapon it would be some sort of short pointy object like a dagger or a needle, but he likes to keep himself unarmed so the severity of dangerous situations become even more thrilling.
Though if he had to he would probably try and occupy the fiend with some sort of distraction, just long enough to escape and get the heck out of there. Except, if he really felt like he could take on the enemy, he'd hide in the shadows and follow them around so that he could be the one to get the surprise, better arm himself, and go in for a backstab type scenario.

* Part V: Spirituality [0/50]
[0/10] Religious Views:  He knows that it exists. Because when he actually uses his powers, the mass overflow of feelings and auras, created from all the living things... It's like something in the depths of his soul just knows. He doesn't like to linger on it however, because that will push him back into his parents wills of having him bend their direction, but his trust lies in what science can do and accomplish, he cant wait to see what the future has in store.

[0/10] Historical Views: He's rather skeptical of the whole idea behind... Pretty much everything. Falling back on his thoughts that everyone is an individual, but a chess piece to a game that nobody can see, he's a bit on edge most of the time. Wondering in the back of his mind, if something someday is going to come out and reveal that in fact, everything isn't as it seems....

[0/10] Political Views: Honestly, Dante doesn't really care about politics. Though he really wishes that the Nightlings as a community would come together and start a rebellion of some sort against the heavy bound traditions that are running through, brainwashing, and making everyone walk the 'right' path, versus the path of what you wanted to do. He desperately wants everyone to open their eyes and just see what they could do if they tried hard enough, often using the technological advance as a perfect example of the things the future could have in store for everyone if they were just open minded enough to try it.

[0/10] Social Views: Yes yes yes, and yes! He loves the way that everything in the big picture is going so far, but wishes it would move faster. Some of his favorite things being the fact that Cheshires, Fawkes, and Miarons are being treated as proper races, as it should be. His strong connection with animals helps him to feel like justice is finally being given where its due, and he's actually kind of excited to see what will end up happening in the near future. As for current events... Well its nearly impossible for him to actually learn what they are! Not only because his parents will shelter him from any news they deem unacceptable, but also because of his extreme light sensitivity, its difficult to get his hands on any recent information until it gets to him by ear a few weeks later.

[0/10] Other: He often daydreams about the future, not his future because he doesn't care what he does or where he goes, but the future of the everything. Late at day he'll be up wondering about his parents, and planning out strategies to get his father to see in the right perspective, and hopefully not being too stubborn about it. De'll also have late day talks with his pet Spade, but he doesn't actually tell anyone about that.

* Part VI: Totals
Part I Total: [0/45]
Part II Total: [0/60]
Part III Total: [0/100]
Part IV Total: [0/100]
Part V Total: [0/50]
Total Score: [0/355]
Result: (A score of 200 or better is required to pass. All scoring boxes are to be kept clear for the admin's use.)

I'm gonna leave this here for now, i should PROBABLY proof-read it before I post it, but I've been working on it for like 4 hours so. ITS GOOD ENOUGH UNTIL TOMORROW <3

this is my WIP character profile for :iconlegends-of-mythica: a group I was in a loooonggg time ago and its just recently re-opened and i'm so excited ;;w;;

anyway, I felt like I repeated myself WAYY TO MUCH in that, so please, if you find any mistakes or somethign tell me!! I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to bed now and check on the comments and stuff in the morning ;w; Ilu all <3

also here is the actual picture I used in the preview image ;3
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